Sunday, January 29, 2017

Brick Part 1

 Getting set up was a MUDDY MESS!  But the Masons were troopers. 
Jon Reynolds is doing a great job on our house.

Add in a little snow...Cold, brick laying, awesomeness!

 Brick set up on the front porch.
 Quinn and Adi asked how they get the brick to stick to the house.  I didn't know.  So, I took a picture. Now we can always remember.  They put these in across a whole row every once in a while. They screw right into the house.  Ta Da!

 Because of the frigid temperatures they tent the whole house and run heaters to keep the fresh mortar from 
freezing before it has time to dry a little.  It's kinda cool. 
 I was talking to someone at church to today and she said it's neat because now we are all waiting for the big unveiling of your house.  Ha!

We also had a little excavation work done this week.  
They filled in and compacted around our west side window wells and hooked the water line up to the house.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Third Little Pig...

...Built it's house out of BRICK!!  Yay!  
The Cherry Red Brick has been delivered!

 Our gas fireplaces were delivered and installed.
Living room.

Master bedroom.

On Friday this last week our house was a beehive of activity.  At one point the Plumber was here bringing the waterline into the house and hooking up the tub drains, the electricians were here running lines to all the beautiful, wonderful, outlets(We have a significant lack of power outlets in our current house and in a day when almost every gadget plugs in it gets frustrating.), the drywall guy was here doing some measuring, the HVAC crew was here installing all of our duct work and venting, our Mason was dropping off all of his equipment so he can start on the brick, and the framers were here redoing a doorway and part of a wall that the HVAC guys cut out of our mechanical room. 
Plus, there was me, taking pictures, and answering questions.


I also did a large amount of cleaning up on Saturday, 
so I had to include a picture of a clean basement.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


 Along with electrical starting on the inside of our house we are replacing all the old electrical on our well pump.  
Seth has been overseeing that part of the project.

 At the same time he is taking a water line from the well into our new house
 With the electrical coming along we are unable to be as "ghostly" as we were.  (not as much walking through walls.)
 Much of our ducting has arrived
 Indoor and outdoor control panels

What is it with us?  Out the door with one pet (the kitten) and in the door with another.  
Say "Hello" to our newest additions, Luna and Legolas.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Physically not a lot happened on the house this week.  
However, there were many decisions made and measurements taken.  Hopefully this next week the house will be a beehive of activity.
The exterior doors were hung and our living room fireplace was framed.

 All the extra pieces of wood you see leaning on the house are what is left over from framing and since we are a; 
"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without" kind of family we are coming up with many fun things to do with the wood. 
The kids have already made a fort with it.  Any suggestions?

Monday, January 2, 2017

Roof & HVAC

The work continues on our roof

 Vents, and wood stove flashing, furnace chase...
 As Glamorous as building a house is, there is still a lot of dirty work involved.  
Good thing we're not afraid of a little dirt.

Plumbing continues and HVAC(Heating and Cooling) has begun.

Adi and Kayla made this cake for our New Year's Eve Party.
Obviously these pictures at the end are not of our house, but I can't resist sharing a bit of our everyday lives with you.  
My kids have worn their pajamas during Christmas break more than they have been dressed.  Gotta Love Family Time!!!!