Sunday, May 28, 2017


We passed our FINAL inspection!!! 
On Thursday, after a lot of hard work earlier in the week, we passed our final. Receiving permission to move in.  
It just so happened that the next day was my 38th birthday and so we made it our goal to spend our first night in the house that night.
Our first priority was getting our beds into the house.

Good bye to the big dumpster!

Good Bye to our old house!  
We have loved living here and at the same time loved the thought of leaving it behind for a more modern, safer, more spacious house.  The little green house has been like family and we will miss it.
 The entire of our old house would fit in our kitchen and dining area of the new house. Keep in mind it was just shy of 700 sq. ft.
 We're not even all the way moved in and Daddy is making cookies.
We are using an old kitchen table set handed down a couple generations now. It is full of character and must be covered with a table cloth to cover up some BAD blemishes but it'll do for now. We are super excited to sit around a table all together.
Some questions or comments I have gotten during the process;
"You are the general contractor on your house??? You're brave, I could never do that."  Maybe I am brave or crazy or willing to do it because I want a house so much and want our dollar to go as far as possible.  I enjoyed the journey, even if I have experienced some hair loss and gray hair from stress. (No Joke) and have learned A LOT!
"Would you ever build a house again?" I hope I don't have to.  We plan on being here a long time.  However, I do believe it would be easier a second time because of all the knowledge gained this time around.
A HUGE thank you to everyone (including the Lord) who helped make this dream possible!  We will forever be grateful!
We love this house!  Now it's HOME!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

So Close!

 We are Metered!
 We are Flushed!

 We are WARM!

 We have Running Water!

 The girls have curtains!

 Exterior Door Knobs Installed!

 We Have Steps!

I have been cleaning and touching up like CRAZY!

 We have Shower Curtains, and the Dishwasher Installed!

Friday we had a "final" inspection.  Which really isn't "final" because they give you a list of things to complete before they will actually "pass" your inspection.  We have the list and have made a big dent in it.  We are hoping to be able to move in by next week.
  Yikes! This is REAL!  It still seems like a dream.
Somebody pinch me.
Something that we need to do before they will give us the final certificate is decide what we are doing with the little green house.  We have to take it out, before they will give us the certificate, or we need to buy an Additional Use Permit, 
allowing us to use it as a guest house or storage.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Making the Grade

 This week began with Grading!  
Yes getting the earth to grade, slope away from our house, and look less like a house sitting in a kids sand box.

 The only way we were going to have Family Home Evening together was to do it while Daddy was working on the stone for our fireplace.  
Our first FHE in the house, but it wasn't very formal or comfy.
 It's all on now.  It still needs some touch ups, yet looks great! 
Good Job Seth!

Here comes the CARPET!

 Dancing on the new carpet!!

 Appliances delivered!  Super excited to begin using them. 
I haven't ever had a new to me major appliance.

 Wednesday we celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.  Our kiddos made us brownies, and we snuck out to a late dinner.

 Stupid step-up in the kid bedrooms

 Vents in! Furnace ready to roll!

 Floor transitions looking nice.
 Meat in the freezer.  We raise our own animals.  
In the last 2 months we've butchered a HUGE cow, 2 lambs, and a pig.  
We have a lot of meat taking up space in 4 freezers!  Very blessed.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Little Stuff

 Since the tile is in and finished drying we got the baseboards on.

 1/4 round

 Closet rods. 
Plus I got the banister stained and varnished. Not a picture. Sorry.
Out the back window!  Spring is here.