Sunday, May 14, 2017

Making the Grade

 This week began with Grading!  
Yes getting the earth to grade, slope away from our house, and look less like a house sitting in a kids sand box.

 The only way we were going to have Family Home Evening together was to do it while Daddy was working on the stone for our fireplace.  
Our first FHE in the house, but it wasn't very formal or comfy.
 It's all on now.  It still needs some touch ups, yet looks great! 
Good Job Seth!

Here comes the CARPET!

 Dancing on the new carpet!!

 Appliances delivered!  Super excited to begin using them. 
I haven't ever had a new to me major appliance.

 Wednesday we celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.  Our kiddos made us brownies, and we snuck out to a late dinner.

 Stupid step-up in the kid bedrooms

 Vents in! Furnace ready to roll!

 Floor transitions looking nice.
 Meat in the freezer.  We raise our own animals.  
In the last 2 months we've butchered a HUGE cow, 2 lambs, and a pig.  
We have a lot of meat taking up space in 4 freezers!  Very blessed.


  1. Wow! What a house! It's gorgeous. Nice work on the fireplace. What is the step-up in the kid bedrooms? Something for code to get the kids closer to the window exits?

  2. Dance, dance, dance away. It looks like you're bout to the finish line - woot, woot!
